in cooperation with Mathias Fuchs.
Institut für Neue Kulturtechnologien, Public Netbase tO,
SYNWORLD 27. bis 31. Mal 1999, Ovalhalle H,
Museumsquartier Wien AT, curated by Konrad Becker.
”Hotel Synthifornia ironically paraphrases the Eagles all-time-classic: 'Such a lovely place, such a lovely face... Relax!' Find yourself caught by the schizophrenic interpretation of a shoot-up game like Epic Games' Unreal. The semantic shift from shoot-up to chill-down confronts concepts of privacy and self-determination with the notorious public participation of the conventional deathmatch. Under these circumstances public space can prove to be lethal, and as a consequence 'Gemütlichkeit' might be a quality worth while being rediscovered collectively.“
Micz Flor, Public Netbase